It can be challenging to show PR results in businesses. Especially if the communication effort is campaign-based and sporadic. Even so, using vain or faulty metrics can make it even more of an issue.

According to Buffer, 82% of PR pros don’t know how to evaluate the ROI of their PR campaign.

? Read Digital PR Explained: Best Strategies and Tools

Fortunately, there are several effective ways to show PR results that can provide valuable insights into the success of your PR strategy. In this blog post, we will explore four key methods that can help you demonstrate the outcomes of your PR work and effectively showcase the results.

Why’s it necessary to show PR results?

Showing PR results is crucial for several reasons.

  1. Demonstrating Impact: By showcasing the outcomes and impact of PR efforts, you can provide tangible evidence of your value to the organization or clients. It helps validate the effectiveness of PR strategies and tactics.
  2. Building Credibility: Showing PR results enhances your credibility and reputation as a PR professional or agency. It instills confidence in stakeholders, clients, and decision-makers, strengthening relationships and trust.
  3. Data-Driven Decision Making: PR results provide valuable insights for future campaigns. By analyzing the data, you can identify what strategies and tactics are working, make informed adjustments, and optimize future PR activities.
  4. Justifying Resources: Showing PR results helps justify budgets and secure resources for future campaigns. By demonstrating the ROI and impact of PR efforts, you can highlight the value you bring to the organization and secure continued support.
  5. Aligning with Organizational Goals: PR results demonstrate how PR activities contribute to achieving organizational goals. You can highlight the alignment between PR efforts and broader business objectives by showing positive outcomes.

How to Measure PR Efforts?

Utilizing a media monitoring tool is crucial to effectively measure a PR campaign. These tools enable close monitoring of essential KPIs and evaluating PR’s impact on your business. Attempting to measure campaign success without a media monitoring tool would be a laborious and time-consuming endeavor.

Advanced metrics, such as sentiment analysis, media impressions, reach, and share of voice, are derived from the data provided by Determ, a reliable media monitoring tool.

So, how does Determ work? Brand monitoring tools track and analyze all publicly available mentions to provide valuable insights. You can assess paid and earned media by employing a brand monitoring tool.

The initial step is to set up a project and select the specific terms you wish to monitor. Once you have determined the keywords (including company hashtags, campaign-specific hashtags, or industry-related terms), you are ready to measure the PR campaign and show PR results.

Measure PR results

However, tools alone do not guarantee PR success. To truly make a substantial impact on your company’s bottom line, you must be prepared to execute and measure the outcomes of your efforts.

Let’s get into the four most effective ways to showcase your PR results and prove the value of your work!

Media Monitoring

Yes, we’ve mentioned it before. But, media monitoring is the most essential tool for any PR team to measure the impact of their efforts. With access to accurate and relevant information, PR professionals can simplify reporting and demonstrate the true value of their endeavors.

Here are three key reasons why media monitoring is essential for showcasing PR results:

Data-driven Insights

Media monitoring enables PR professionals to gather data from various sources, such as news articles, social media platforms, and online forums. By utilizing ready-made templates or customizing reports according to their specific needs, PR teams can generate comprehensive reports. Consequently, these reports provide a deeper understanding of their performance and offer data-driven insights into their campaigns.

Report templates or custom templates that show pr results

Metrics in a media monitoring tool that prove the results of PR:

  • Brand mentions over time
  • Number of mentions
  • Mention sources
  • Impressions
  • Sentiment ratio, especially over time
  • Word cloud

Evidence-based Decision Making

Media monitoring allows PR teams to draw insights from existing dashboards or create charts unique to their business goals. By analyzing the data collected, PR professionals can identify trends, patterns, and sentiments surrounding their brand or campaign. Consequently, they can make informed decisions based on real-time information, ensuring that resources are allocated effectively.

Transparent Communication

Media monitoring facilitates transparent communication within an organization. Regularly presenting reports and metrics during meetings or sharing them with employees fosters a culture of accountability and ownership. Moreover, the transparency created enables PR professionals to demonstrate the effectiveness of their efforts. Additionally, when comparing PR results to competitors, media monitoring provides concrete evidence of a job well done, reinforcing the credibility and success of PR campaigns.


Integrating PR and SEO has become a powerful strategy for businesses looking to maximize their online presence and drive results. By combining the strengths of public relations and search engine optimization, companies can enhance their brand visibility, build credibility, and improve their search engine rankings. One highly effective way to showcase PR results is through the seamless integration of PR and SEO. Let’s explore how this synergy can yield impressive outcomes for your brand.

Leveraging Backlinks for SEO Success

Backlinks play a pivotal role in SEO, and PR can be a valuable asset in building high-quality backlinks for your website. By securing placements in authoritative online outlets and renowned publications, your PR efforts can generate valuable backlinks that improve your website’s domain authority and overall search engine rankings.

Here’s how PR and backlinks go hand in hand:

  • Digital PR activities help acquire backlinks from high-authority websites like news outlets and industry publications.
  • When these outlets reference your press releases or articles, they will likely include a link to your website, significantly boosting your backlink profile.
  • Accumulating high-quality backlinks from reputable sources improves your search engine rankings and enhances your website’s credibility and authority.

Enhancing Brand Awareness and Click-Through Rates (CTR)

Brand awareness is critical in driving organic traffic and increasing click-through rates in search results. Here’s how PR can contribute to improving CTR and brand recognition:

  • By generating media coverage and securing mentions in reputable publications, PR efforts can increase your brand’s visibility and recognition.
  • Studies have shown that users are more likely to click on search results from familiar brands, leading to higher CTR.
  • A well-executed PR strategy helps create brand awareness, making your brand more recognizable in search results and increasing the chances of attracting clicks and website visits.

Establishing Trust and Improving Conversion Rates

Trust and credibility are crucial for driving conversions and retaining website visitors. PR can play a significant role in building trust through social proof and other trust elements. Here’s how PR can enhance your website’s trustworthiness:

  • Media mentions in reputable publications and featuring “as seen in” logos on your website convey credibility and trustworthiness to visitors.
  • PR efforts that showcase your brand’s expertise and position you as a thought leader can instill confidence in your target audience.
  • A website that is seen as trustworthy is more likely to engage visitors, reduce bounce rates, and increase the time spent on the site, ultimately improving conversion rates.

Sales Statistics

Sales statistics serve as an effective means to show PR results due to their ability to provide tangible and measurable outcomes. This is evident through the following key points:

Concrete Measurement

Sales stats offer quantifiable metrics demonstrating PR efforts’ impact. By tracking the increase in sales revenue, customer acquisition, or conversion rates, PR professionals can substantiate the success of their campaigns.

Clear Cause and Effect

Through sales statistics, PR teams can establish a direct correlation between their strategies and the subsequent boost in sales. Indeed, these numbers serve as evidence that the PR initiatives effectively influenced consumer behavior and generated tangible results.

Key Sales Metrics that show PR results

Comparative Analysis

Sales stats enable PR professionals to compare performance with competitors and industry benchmarks. This analysis allows them to gauge their market position, identify areas for improvement, and showcase their accomplishments to stakeholders.

Share of Voice

Assessing your brand’s share of voice in the media landscape is a powerful way to measure the success of your PR campaigns relative to your competitors. Share of voice refers to the proportion of media coverage and mentions your brand receives compared to others in your industry. You can measure and track your brand’s visibility and impact by utilizing media monitoring tools and conducting competitive analysis.

share of voice for formula 1 teams
Share of voice metric in Determ

What are the benefits?

  • It provides a clear benchmark for comparison, allowing businesses to gauge their brand’s prominence in relation to competitors.
  • Helps identify areas for improvement and strategic adjustments in pr campaigns
  • SOV analysis tracks effectiveness over time, helping organizations make data-driven decisions and adapt to evolving market trends


In conclusion, showcasing PR results is crucial for validating the effectiveness of strategies, building credibility and trust, making data-driven decisions, and justifying resources allocated to PR campaigns. Utilizing media monitoring tools to measure PR efforts, integrating PR and SEO to enhance brand visibility and credibility, analyzing sales statistics to demonstrate tangible outcomes, and assessing share of voice to gauge market prominence are effective methods to showcase PR outcomes and prove the value of your work. By implementing these approaches, PR professionals can provide tangible evidence of their impact and contribution to the organization’s success.

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