
Social Listening Like a PRO

  • Author

    Igor Pekija

  • Published

    Oct, 16, 2018

  • Reading time

    1 min

Social listening is an ever growing need for more and more digital marketers and, with huge amounts of data available these days, it often gets hard to understand and interpret it.

Luckily, there is also a good deal of educational material available for marketers to successfully do the all-important data interpretation.

Digital Marketing like a PRO” is a book recently published by one of Belgium’s most renowned marketing experts – Clo Willaerts.

Digital Marketing like a PRO is an easy to follow, step-by-step marketing guide that helps you maximize all digital channels. Packed with models, information and examples to help you succeed, it is free of fluff and noise so you can get to work quickly.

Clo has been working in the marketing industry for over 20 years and she has experience in working both for agencies and as a freelance consultant. Her blog is present since 2004 and has become a go-to resource for tech and marketing fans in Belgium and beyond.

Nowadays she is teaching digital marketing at the Karel de Grote Hogeschool in Antwerp.

In this webinar we discussed, amongst other topics:

  • Clo’s book – why, how and for whom did she write it
  • Which aspects of digital marketing did she assess and how
  • The place of social listening in Digital Marketing like a PRO
  • Ways social data can be interpreted
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