The most user-friendly online media monitoring tool on the market

"Without Determ, we'd have a much harder and much longer process of monitoring what's published in the media and on social networks."


Luka Bojić

PR Consultant at 404 agency


More data, less work, better results


saved per week by automating monitoring and reporting.


users find Determ better in coverage and data accuracy than similar tools.


faster reaction time to fake news or potential crisis.

Determ monitors over 100 million sources 24/7 and collects over a billion articles and posts monthly, but filters that to only what matters to you.

Real-time brand and industry insights in one place

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Why determ_UC Brand monitoring

Brand monitoring

Get notified when someone talks about you online. Keep up with public opinions and react quickly to anything that may damage your reputation.

Why determ_UC Competitor analysis

Competitor tracking

A complete overview of your competitor’s activities in one place. Identify industry trends and use that knowledge to stay ahead.

Why determ_UC Social media monitoring

Social media monitoring

Track social media conversations, specific channels, authors or hashtags. Use Determ’s insights to optimize your content and messaging.

Why determ_UC Crisis management

Crisis management

Get notifications whenever you’re trending and use the advanced sentiment analysis to quickly identify rising negative coverage.

Why determ_UC Market research

Market research

Stay updated on any relevant developments across your industry and quickly detect popular topics and trends.

Brand monitoring

Competitor tracking

Social media monitoring

Crisis management

Market research


Monitor online conversations in any language or location globally

Track your brand, competitors, or industry trends across different sources and media.

Why Determ Monitoring

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World Media Wire monitors news for clients in different countries at the same time

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Zadar Tourist Board automates tracking their online mentions

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Eco and Row use Determ to better advise their clients on crisis situations

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Stop guessing and start making data-driven decisions

Simplify your reporting with AI-generated summaries and rich data visualizations you can export in a click - no extra effort required.

Why Determ Reporting

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HiBob uses Determ to report on and prove the value of their PR efforts

case study hibob

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Leapbit uses Determ’s reports to present monthly results

case study conversation with leapbit

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Bingo easily proves the success of their marketing efforts

case study conversation with bingo


Get notified when you’re trending or whenever someone mentions you online

Receive alerts on your email, Slack, and mobile app. React quickly to customer complaints or capitalize on viral positive feedback.

Why Determ Alerts

We support over 600 businesses in making better, data-driven decisions every day.

Determ G2 reviews


A support team you can rely on

Get best-in-class support in under two minutes and resources to help you in every step of your journey with Determ.

Quality of support
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