Keep track of campaign performance

Monitor your hashtags or campaign impact for its entire duration so you can always know whether you're reaching your goals.

Stay informed every step of the way

Receive regular campaign updates

Schedule mention updates directly to your inbox or receive notifications for sudden spikes in the number of mentions.

Discover the most popular social media channels

Learn which channels your audience engages with the most and focus your efforts there.

Keep track of public opinion

Analyze general public sentiment, or break it down per channel, demographic, or over time.

Powered by ChatGPT API

Get a summary of campaign feedback with AI assistant Synthia

Synthia generates a summary of online discussions as well as key insights into your campaign and suggestions for further promotion.

synthia campaign monitoring

Track campaign hashtags and keywords across the internet

Get comprehensive insights into where and how your campaign is mentioned online, with all your mentions streaming in one feed in real-time.


Monitor popularity through reach and engagement metrics

See how your campaign performs over time and learn to spot popularity spikes. Look into specific mentions or get aggregated insights into how people feel about your campaign.

campaign tracking

Create detailed reports on the performance of your campaigns

Use existing templates or create charts specific to your campaign goals. Export reports packed with engaging, easily digestible data in seconds.


Take it from our clients.

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“We use media monitoring for planning ahead and analyzing campaign impact. For example, when we launch a new model, we can see how people react and use that information. We always keep up with competitors to ensure we stay on top of trends and industry happenings.”

“Determ’s influence score metric was really beneficial during our campaign as we used it to identify media outlets that we were not familiar with prior to them mentioning us. Based on this information, we generated some quality leads. Determ has increased our efficiency with contacting influencers, and therefore the entire company’s efficiency with the campaign.”

Want to give your campaign a boost?

With Determ, you can.

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