Keep track of your competitors

 Understand the competitive landscape and get deeper insights into competitors' performance.

A complete overview of all your competitors in one place

Stream all competitor news, media coverage and social media activities in one feed and save time on endless, manual research.


Generate quick competitor summaries with AI assistant Synthia

Powered by ChatGPT API, Synthia helps you get an instant overview of competitor activities and their customer feedback.


Understand and compare your market position

Measure your brand visibility with Share of voice and learn whether the public opinion favors you or your competitors.


Get quick competitor insights with specialized reports

Compare popularity

Analyze reach and share of voice by breaking it down per channel, sentiment or over a time period.

Discover influential people or media

Learn who talks about you and your competitors and how big of a reach they have.

Spot spikes in mentions

Discover sudden, sharp increases in popularity and the reasons behind them.

Monitor competitors with ease. Book a consultation with our product experts and get a personalized product demo. No commitment.

How our clients do it

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"My favorite thing is at the end of the year when I summarize what Marketing has done. The number of mentions in millions that I couldn’t prove otherwise. And when I compare it to the competition, no one can tell me we didn’t do a good job.”

“If you want to improve your brand visibility, know where you or your client’s brand is mentioned - Determ is the way to go. We increased brand awareness by directly acting on our mention results, we connected with our clients and received a full brand picture thanks to Determ.”

Stay ahead of your competitors.

Try Determ.

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