Wondering why your Twitter marketing is ineffective? Have you used your Twitter analytics tool? 

Every business needs an effective marketing strategy to grow its social media audience and engagement. Along the way, you’ll need to track your performance. 

? Read Creating a Marketing Strategy that Works: Benefits, Steps, Tools

Twitter analytics is ‌a tool that provides you with data about different aspects of your content. This includes your audience activity, engagement, traffic, and trends over time. 

By monitoring this data, you can:

  • Create more valuable content for your audience
  • Place strategic hashtags on your posts
  • Use the right keywords in your content

Twitter analytics helps you monitor your marketing efforts by tracking your most important metrics. Knowing how to use this tool is core to your Twitter marketing success.

Here is a deeper dive into what aspects of Twitter analytics you should be looking at.

5 Key Twitter Analytics To Track

Twitter analytics provides different metrics that will help you gauge your performance on the platform. To find your Twitter analytics, click on your profile and select analytics. Here is an illustration.

Twitter analytics

Here are the main metrics to look out for.

Engagement Rate

Engagement rate shows you the exact impact your tweet has on your audience. It’s one way to monitor your social media feedback.

You find this rate by taking the number of engagements on your tweet divided by your Twitter impressions.

Your Twitter engagement is the total activity on your posts, including the replies, retweets, comments, likes, and clicks. By analyzing your engagement rate, you can determine the type of content your audience likes more. 

On your Twitter analytics dashboard, your engagement breakdown looks something like this.

You can analyze your engagement rate by tweet, and discover the type of content that your audience prefers. This way, you can strengthen your digital marketing strategy based on your observations and drive more engagement.

Tweet Activity

Your Twitter activity dashboard lets you see your engagements on a chart.

For instance, if you’re viewing your activity by tweet, you’ll see how that tweet has been performing over time since you posted it.

SproutSocial display

This Twitter analytics section also lets you filter through your performance by date or a selected number of days you want to analyze. With this, you can identify which days get the most engagement or are best to tweet.

You also have the option to analyze your top tweets. It helps you identify the content that made it to the top and build a content framework that’s just as effective. 

Besides a chart showing your activity over time, this dashboard also shows you a graph of each engagement type. These include individual graphs of your overall engagement rate, replies, link clicks, and likes for the tweet or period chosen.

To make your tweet activity metrics more accurate, be consistent in your tweeting activities. For instance, it’s easier to compare tweet activities for two months if in both months you consistently published five tweets a week. 

This way, any drop in your activity will reflect a drop in your engagements and not a drop in the number of posts in that period.

You can check the Twitter analytics by tweet if you click on the analytics button on the far right end at the bottom of your tweet.

Read How to Do Twitter Sentiment Analysis Without Breaking a Sweat?

Twitter Videos

On your Twitter analytics page, click the more button and you’ll see a videos option. This Twitter analytics shows you all the statistics related to the videos you posted on your Twitter page.

Videos form a crucial part of every social media marketing strategy. And Twitter is not an exception. For instance, by using video animation services, you can come up with compelling video posts that attract more engagement to your post.

On this page, you’ll analyze the stats on all your videos, including the promoted ones. It shows stats such as.

  • Video views
  • Completion rate, i.e. the rate at which viewers watched the video to the end
  • Retention rate
  • Total minutes watched

Twitter Impressions

Twitter impressions refer to the number of times your tweet appeared on people’s timelines. It’s the number of times your followers or non-followers logged on to their Twitter account and saw your tweet.

Twitter acont example

This twitter analytics doesn’t show if the viewer took any action on the tweet.

It, therefore, is not as much a metric you should track as it is a supporting metric. This means tracking your impressions alone isn’t helpful, but your impressions help you find your engagement rate. 

Impressions, however, should not be confused with your reach.

Your reach shows you the number of people your tweet has the potential to reach. Your impressions show you how many people your tweet actually reached.

Monitoring your reach together with your Twitter impressions can help you identify the gap in your audience. Then, you can adjust your digital marketing strategies to reach more people.

Twitter Followers

It’s important to monitor your follower vs following ratio on all social media platforms.  While you may already know the dynamics of the people you follow, Twitter analytics gives you detailed information about the people that follow you.

This analytics shows your Twitter followers in number and characteristics. You’ll see exactly how many more people are following you and the ones unfollowing you. 

The chart also shows your audience history. If your Twitter audience is dropping, find the reason and get a solution.

Media Analytics for Marketers Ebook

For instance, is it the nature of the content you’ve been posting? Is it because you’ve been posting less often? If yes, think about changing your content strategy for Twitter.

Further, this tool shows you the demographics of your audience. You’ll be able to see the estimates of their age, gender, and location. 

This way, if you lean towards a certain demographic, you can reposition your brand to attract more of this demographic. Adjust things like the language you use, the length of your videos, the nature of your images, etc to match their preferences. 

Twitter Analytics Tracking Tools

Besides your native Twitter analytics tool, you can use third-party tools to get deeper insights that Twitter does not provide. These include hashtags, brand name mentions, keyword monitoring, and more. 

You can use a keyword research tool such as Semrush to generate keywords and monitor their performance using these third-party tools.

Here are the top three tools you can use to boost your Twitter marketing strategy.

Read 5 Twitter Analytics Tools to Check Out

Sprout Social


This is a powerful social media marketing suite that monitors all your social media platforms.

With this tool, you’d not only monitor your Twitter analytics, but you’d also track them against your performance on other social media platforms. 

For instance, you can compare the performance of your Twitter hashtags to your Instagram hashtags.

Sprout Social can:

  • Monitor your engagements and mentions
  • Schedule and queue your posts
  • Track how your keywords and hashtags perform
  • Report your profile performances

With this tool, you can also track feedback from your Twitter surveys.



This is your ultimate tool for monitoring and reporting your social media mentions. The tool helps you determine how many people are mentioning your brand and their sentiments.

Your Twitter analytics tool may notify you when your brand is mentioned, but only when people tag your profile. Determ does more. You can track mentions that do not include tags. Determ Twitter monitoring helps enhance your relationship with your audience and build your brand.

Read How to use Determ for Twitter competitor analysis?



This is a social media analytics tool that focuses on social media influencer marketers. You’ll be able to track the most influential people on Twitter. You can identify them by industry and location.

This way, you can discover the influencers you want to market your brand and select those whose profiles align with your brand identity. 

This is a social media analytics tool that focuses on social media influencer marketers. You’ll be able to track the most influential people on Twitter. You can identify them by industry and location.

This way, you can discover the influencers you want to market your brand and select those whose profiles align with your brand identity. 

Optimize Your Twitter Analytics Today

Your Twitter analytics can be the thing standing between you and your Twitter marketing success. This post sheds more light on all you need to know about the important Twitter metrics you should be tracking.

If you track your performance, you are better placed to tweak your content to what works. Twitter analytics provides the data you need to make more informed decisions.

Your native Twitter analytics tool in combination with any other tool of your choice should help you grow your traffic and drive more sales.

Gaurav Sharma is the founder and CEO of Attrock, a results-driven digital marketing company. Grew an agency from 5-figure to 7-figure revenue in just two years | 10X leads | 2.8X conversions |  300K organic monthly traffic. He also contributes to top publications like HuffPost, Adweek, Business 2 Community, TechCrunch, and more.

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