Save time on data analysis and reporting

"Synthia summarizes exactly what was written about us in the media that month in less than a minute, so it's brilliant.”


Natalie Homer

Director of Public Relations at HiBob



of Determ clients confirm Synthia's accuracy and reliablity.

20 hours

per month saved on analyzing media coverage and campaigns.


saved weekly on outsourcing data analysis.

Don't overlook vital information

Generate a summary of online discussions and media coverage with key insights into your reputation and brand sentiment.


Plan your next steps with smart, actionable insights

Synthia quickly identifies key potential opportunities or threats relevant to your brand, competitors, or industry.


Discover new ideas for promotional activities

Get inspired by Synthia’s insights into current trends and identify potential brand advocates you can recruit to build brand awareness.


Let Synthia do the heavy lifting.

More data. Less work. See how easy your job could be.

Synthia elevates your media monitoring experience

Advanced sentiment detection

Synthia can understand sarcasm or irony and can grasp the full context of your mentions.

Precise tone of voice recognition

Learning how your customers talk about you can help you improve and protect your brand reputation.

Coverage in any spoken language

No matter the language of your mentions, Synthia easily interprets and summarizes data.

Our clients love Synthia.

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"We love Synthia, it’s very practical. We especially appreciate that the AI can analyze unique topics, provide highly resourceful recommendations, and assign an accurate tone of voice to each news summary. Additionally, we’re very fond of the Determ team, which is always open to suggestions from their clients."

“I’ve taken to providing an overview of what topics have generally made the news in any given month as a foreword to my reports. I look at all the coverage, what's been written about, and I do a little summary. This would take up to an hour. Now, Synthia does it for me. Synthia summarizes exactly what was written about that month in less than a minute, so it's brilliant.”

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