You might find handling all the tasks of a larger company with a small, startup-sized team an overwhelming experience. Luckily, there are a lot of tools and apps that can help you achieve your goals. But which ones to choose for your business? Nobody can tell you explicitly, and you definitely shouldn’t take such advice if somebody tries. Every startup is different, and the only right way is to try loads of them and see which work for you.

? Read Creating a Marketing Strategy that Works: Benefits, Steps, Tools

What you can do is to look at other startups and learn from their choices, to pick up tips from their way of thinking. That’s why we bring you a real-world set of tools one thriving startup uses.

10 Startup Tools to Consider

1. Slack

We’ve been using a Facebook group and we’ve communicated through Google Hangouts from day one, but when we discovered Slack, it quickly became our number one communication tool. We use channels to discuss features, sales, and talk generally about our project. Sometimes we also have fun in the #random channel. We can chat privately or in a group through the web, desktop and mobile app, while in the office or away. The thing we love the most is Slack’s amazing user interface and user experience.

Read 5 Easy Ways to Keep Track of Business Communication in 2022

startup tools - slack

2. Asana

Tasks and to-do lists are a core part of organizing the desired workflow for your team. In the last few years, our team tried out various tools for task management, including those optimized for Scrum, but in the end, we always went back to our original pick – Asana.

Asana is as simple and as complicated as you want it to be. You can create projects, set deadlines, assign tasks and even create subtasks or comment on each of them.

startup tools - asana

3. Buffer

Buffer is a great tool for sharing on social media. It’s the only app you’ll need to plan and share your next Facebook post or tweet, making it an awesome marketing tool. With Buffer you can not only publish across different social profiles but also schedule posts so that they don’t spam your followers.

4. Determ

Every single mention you get from your users or press is priceless! It gives you an opportunity to reach out to more people and potential customers. Determ is a media monitoring tool that tracks relevant mentions of your startup across the web and social media in real time. You can use it to get notified immediately when you are mentioned anywhere online and discover meaningful insights behind every mention.

Also, you can discover not only who mentions you and where, but also track down feedback, reviews and issues your users are experiencing. You can even track your competitors or general public inquiring about your industry looking for a tool just like yours.

Read Media Monitoring: The Ultimate Guide


5. Intercom

Intercom is one of those tools you discover without looking for them. It’s about user management and customer service. It helps you manage your users, sort them, discover your top users and those that are about to stop using your service. Additionally, it allows you to get in touch with them through email or in-app notifications. The user interface is clean and simple. Once you start using it, it will soon become something you cannot work without.

6. Pipedrive

Pipedrive makes it simple and easy to create sales funnels and track all the steps and activities in your sales process. Everything is pretty intuitive and shows you where you need to focus your sales efforts at a glance. It’s pretty intuitive – you define all the stages of your sales process and move your leads from stage to stage. It gives you an excellent overview of the state your leads are in, along with data-driven alerts for possible leaks in your sales pipe.

startup tools - pipedrive

7. Rapportive

Rapportive helps us with a simple task of knowing we are emailing and who’s emailing us back. When you receive an email on Gmail it shows you valuable data about the person behind the email. Their job position, LinkedIn profile and more public info. That can play to your advantage in more ways than you can think of.

8. Mailchimp

Mailchimp is a widely popular email marketing platform that allows businesses to create and send professional email campaigns to their customers. Founded in 2001, Mailchimp has since grown into a comprehensive marketing platform that includes a wide range of tools and features for businesses of all sizes. With Mailchimp, users can easily design and send beautiful email campaigns, track their performance, and even automate certain aspects of their marketing strategy.

In addition to email marketing, Mailchimp also offers social media management tools, audience management, and e-commerce integration, making it a versatile all-in-one marketing solution. With its user-friendly interface and robust features, Mailchimp is a great choice for businesses looking to improve their marketing efforts.

Read The Importance of Social Media Monitoring to Your Email Marketing Strategies


9. WordPress

No matter what you do, creating quality content is very important. One of the ways you can use WordPress is for publishing blog posts. With blog posts, you give your customers valuable information and in return build stronger and long term relationships. Always make sure you’re consistent with publishing. Also, mind the relevance and value of the information you’re providing for your customer.

10. Wootric

One of the metrics we care about a lot is NPS (Net Promoter Score). It tells us whether our users are eager to share our app with their friends and co-workers. The higher the NPS score is (up to 100) the more satisfied your users are. Wootric is a simple tool to handle short surveys and receive customer feedback right within the app,  which can enable you to take it from good to great.


In conclusion, starting a new business can be a daunting task, but with the right tools and resources at your disposal, you can set yourself up for success. From project management to accounting software, there are countless essential tools available that can help streamline your workflow, improve communication, and manage your finances.

By carefully evaluating your needs and selecting the tools that best fit your business, you can set yourself up for a more efficient and productive operation. Whether you’re just getting started or looking to take your business to the next level, the right tools can make all the difference.

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