Artificial Intelligence (AI) has rapidly emerged as a transformative technology in business, revolutionizing how companies operate and compete. From streamlining complex business processes to driving innovation and boosting productivity, AI has proven to be a game-changer across industries.

Synthia is Determ’s AI assistant powered by the ChatGPT API, which promises to transform how businesses gather and analyze media data. With its advanced natural language processing capabilities, Synthia can help users quickly identify key insights and trends, enabling them to make better-informed decisions in real time.

In this blog post, we’ll explore the exciting potential of Determ’s new AI assistant, Synthia. Whether you’re a business owner, marketer, or data analyst, this is a must-read for anyone looking to stay ahead of the curve in today’s rapidly evolving business landscape.

The transformative potential of AI in media monitoring

A quick question: who wrote the introduction of this blog, a human or an AI? At this point of advancement that AI is making each day, it’s tough to tell. Indeed, ChatGPT generated it in seconds. I would have needed anywhere from 15 minutes to half an hour to draft an intro. 

Similarly, analysis and reporting, one of the most time-consuming parts of the PR and marketing jobs, take five to 20 hours per week. Regardless of the time and effort put into it, only 20.7% of professionals feel comfortable using data and analytics.

At Determ, we considered how we could apply the same principle to media monitoring. Save time and creative energy to fuel strategic work while delegating data synthesis and output creation to AI. 

And from those words and concepts, Synthia was ideated.

Read Revolutionizing PR: How AI-powered Media Monitoring Can Benefit PR Professionals

Meet Synthia, Determ’s AI assistant

Built with ChatGPT API, the industry-leading natural-language AI system from OpenAI, Synthia combines synthesis and AI to automate data analysis and insights generation. Therefore, we equipped our new AI assistant with the capability to:

  1. Understand context 
  2. Identify sentiment and tone of voice
  3. Analyze any spoken language.

Synthia’s first task is to summarize any topic and quickly identify key insights and trends, so you can save resources and focus your energy on more strategic work. 

More specifically, if you’re tasked with analyzing campaigns and media for your company or client, you can expect to save between 30 minutes to an hour each day. If you’re outsourcing, your daily savings can range from $150 to upwards of $500 in hourly rates of a PR agency. On average, that is $1500 over a week and $6000 per month in potential savings.

Synthia will generate summaries based on your top weekly mentions in the Home dashboard and the Feed. An AI summary consists of:

1. An overview of top mentions

2. Sentiment analysis

3. The tone of voice analysis

4. Key insights with suggestions for possible next steps

5. Suggested keywords to monitor for the future.

You can copy each section of the AI summary or send it as a whole to email to save it.

How to use AI summaries? 

Now that you’re familiar with the content of an AI summary let’s explore how you can leverage Synthia for various use cases.

Crisis Management

During a crisis, monitoring media mentions to track the sentiment and tone of voice around the issue is essential. There is no time to spare sifting through all the posts and articles, deciphering what caused the brewing crisis and how to deal with it.

Synthia’s most significant value for crisis management is quickly detecting key insights and suggesting relevant topics to watch out for. It also ensures you don’t overlook vital information that plays a role in the situation’s development.

Synthia can quickly summarize the latest mentions and provide sentiment analysis, allowing crisis management teams to respond promptly and appropriately. These insights can help businesses respond swiftly and effectively, minimizing the damage to their brand reputation.

As seen in the example above, Synthia’s summary provides an explanation of the potential source of the negative sentiment. Cultural or political issues like racism and dystopia are discussed in the context of PepsiCo and Mirinda. This can indicate the need to take action and potentially address these issues.

Brand Reputation Management

Synthia’s sentiment and tone of voice analysis can help businesses monitor their brand reputation online. The natural-language AI system goes beyond the standard sentiment analysis and cannot recognize sarcasm, irony, exaggeration, etc. Synthia understands context and can easily detect those, resulting in more accurate sentiment analysis.

This can provide valuable insights into customer sentiment and highlight areas where the company may need to improve its customer experience. Customer sentiment refers to customers’ collective feelings, perceptions, and attitudes toward a brand, its products, or its services.

Insights into key talking points, sentiment, and tone of voice your customers use to discuss your brand can help you proactively enhance brand reputation and improve customer loyalty.

For example, after the recent Miami Grand Prix, a summary based on the topic of Max Verstappen, an F1 driver, the summary, sentiment, and tone of voice clearly align with his reputation of being an extremely successful, record-breaking driver. Verstappen’s PR team is on the right track with their efforts.

Competitor Analysis

Competitive monitoring is an activity whose importance we can’t stress enough. Keeping an eye on all your competitors enables you to identify potential opportunities or threats and adjust your strategy accordingly. This can help businesses stay competitive and make informed decisions based on market trends and customer needs.

Synthia’s AI summary for any competitor you monitor will help you get a quick overview of their activities and customer feedback. Generate it in seconds and share via email, or copy and paste select parts of the summary for an edit of your own.

Moreover, the suggested keywords to monitor feature can help businesses stay up-to-date on their competitors’ activities. This way, you can discover competitors you weren’t aware of and do a dedicated competitive analysis to understand the competitive landscape better. 

If you were the PR professional working for Stradivarius, Zara’s competitor brand, you could use the topic summary on Zara to assess potential opportunities. 

Synthia suggests collaborating with stars often appearing in Zara mentions to boost brand and campaign visibility. As Zara’s competitor, Stradivarius could leverage its summary, engage with the same influencers, and take advantage of campaign ideas to be the first to differentiate its garments.

Social Media Monitoring

Social media monitoring can help businesses identify potential brand advocates and engage with them to build brand loyalty. Frequently, it is precisely those loyal customers that will drive the most revenue and brand awareness

During the early access period, our clients were most impressed with the relevant users and media that Synthia would often suggest as a topic to monitor – many times, they needed to be made aware of the impact a specific person had.

Take this example for Max Verstappen, a Red Bull Racing F1 driver and one of the sport’s most prominent talents. While monitoring media coverage leading up to the Miami Grand Prix, Synthia suggested that Verstappen’s PR team could have leveraged to boost online buzz.

As you can see, Synthia gives out actionable steps you can take to make the best out of any situation. This example specifically highlights Gary Striewski and Katie George as people to collaborate with for the event. 

Campaign Launch Monitoring

When launching a new campaign, it’s essential to monitor media mentions and customer feedback to identify potential issues and adjust the messaging and strategy accordingly. 

Synthia can help businesses monitor media mentions around new campaign launches and provide a summary of key insights. This can help companies to adjust their strategy and messaging in real time, improving the chances of a successful campaign. 

Our AI assistant’s understanding of context comes into play regarding campaign tracking as it provides a descriptive snapshot of how the campaign resonates with your target audience. That will make it easier for you to report on your campaign performance even to those stakeholders who are not as technologically savvy or familiar with specific terms and metrics.

Going back to the Max Verstappen summary, the Honda team that powers Red Bull Racing cars can also benefit from the partnership by using the prolific driver as an influencer in their CR-V car campaign, as the second key insight suggests.

How will AI and Synthia shape Determ in the future?

The newest feature in Determ, AI summaries, are just the first step towards implementing Synthia and AI capabilities into our media monitoring solution. The future of Determ is set to be shaped by the power of AI, with Synthia at the forefront of this transformation.

During the early access stage, an overwhelming majority of users, over 90%, expressed their enthusiasm for the topic summarization feature. They praised its ability to save time while effortlessly delivering crucial insights. This positive response aligns perfectly with our vision for Synthia–to empower you to achieve more with less effort and provide you with the necessary information to make better decisions.

Looking ahead, our plans for AI involve full integration into all aspects of Determ. As our purpose is to help you make sense of the ever-evolving world around you, Synthia will be your trusted companion to interpret data and offer even more meaningful insights into every piece of information it processes. Our goal is to empower you with the tools and knowledge to navigate the complexities of the media landscape with confidence and drive your business forward.

Stay tuned as we continue to innovate and expand the AI capabilities within Determ, with Synthia as your reliable AI assistant, unlocking new media monitoring and analysis dimensions. The future holds exciting possibilities, and we are committed to delivering cutting-edge solutions that will transform how you monitor, analyze, and extract value from media data.

Interested in a personalized walkthrough of Determ’s AI capabilities? Book a demo to learn more.

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