In today’s digital landscape, marketing your products or services has become a challenge for business owners. There is so much content and your competitors make every possible effort to catch your audience’s attention. However, an effective digital marketing strategy can do wonders. With the help of advanced technologies and effective tools, your brand can stand out in this competitive business world.

? Read Creating a Marketing Strategy that Works: Benefits, Steps, Tools

Thanks to rather recent technological advancements, social media monitoring is one of the proven ways to better understand your audience. It helps you to optimize your digital marketing strategy, create a positive and strong brand image, and improve the quality of your products.

If your existing digital marketing strategy isn’t giving you the desired result, now is the time to make some amendments and integrate the tried and tested method of social monitoring. It is an effective way to engage with your audience, improve your products and give your customers what they want.

Let’s explore what is social media monitoring, how it can help brands maximize user engagement and grow their audience.

What is Social Media Monitoring

Social media monitoring is an effective process of collecting and identifying brand mentions on social media. It serves as a performance monitoring tool that helps brands identify all the possible issues. It also makes sure your products or services can fulfill customers’ expectations.

With social media monitoring, you can interact with your customers and provide timely responses to drive engagement. Whenever customers mention your brand, raise a problem, or respond to something you posted, you can reply to them. If done right, it can help you improve your customer service and attract potential customers. In this way, social media monitoring acts as an important part of your digital marketing strategy.

If used right, social media monitoring can take your digital marketing strategy to a whole new level. The key is to use the right social media monitoring tools to make it effective for your brand.

8 Ways Social Media Monitoring Helps Your Digital Strategy

Audience Research

When it comes to audience research, many marketers don’t realize the importance of social media monitoring. It is one of the best sources to provide useful insights about your audience. Social monitoring helps you understand how your customers talk about the brand experience. You can build customer personas, get to know their interests and dislikes to make changes in your marketing strategy.

There’s a simple way to find out this information through Determ. Simply insert the keywords you’d like to follow in this media monitoring tool, choose the social media you’d like to follow, and you will get a feed filled with all the mentions of the keywords you’re interested in.

Determ feed with sources on the right

Measuring Customers’ Sentiment

Today, marketers have realized the power of social media and set aside a budget for some effective marketing techniques. Brands are using social selling, social recruiting and social media advertising, and influencer marketing for marketing purposes.

These techniques can help brands to shape their online presence, engage with their audience and promote their products or services. Incorporating social media monitoring into your digital marketing strategy helps marketers measure customer sentiments.

So for example if you notice that there’s a negative sentiment prevailing in some of the keywords you’ve inserted, you’d probably want to consider introducing some changes. Or you can simply use this information to change or tweak your next campaigns.

Sentiment ratio in Determ

Competitor Monitoring

It is important to know what your competitors are doing to come up with innovative ideas. This way you can perform better and stand out from the crowded market. Competitor monitoring is a sensible approach to get an in-depth idea of what is happening in the industry and be aware of all the cutting-edge trends.

There are many social media monitoring tools that help you identify industry competitors’ behavior on social networks. With these tools, you can figure out what type of content they share, how they respond to their customers, what marketing techniques they use to create their brand image.

One of the best things about competitor monitoring is that it allows you to learn from your competitors’ mistakes and explore opportunities to strengthen your online presence. By analyzing your competitors’ posts, you can easily develop a digital marketing framework that can push your business forward.

mentions per channel - competitive - determ
We can use media social media monitoring to get valuable information about competition

Gain Customers’ Insights

Whether you are running a B2B business or a B2C business, the goal is to fulfill the needs of your customers. Understanding the pain point of your customers will help you make improvements in your product quality, marketing strategy, and customer service. In fact, when you know what your customers think about your brand and what they want from you, it will make it easier to make well-informed business decisions.

By monitoring your audience’s posts, you can better understand what problems your customers are facing and how you can solve these issues. Social media monitoring lets you understand what their needs are, and where they spend time.

According to a study conducted by Sprout Social, approximately 50% of consumers reach out to brands on social media if they had an amazing user experience. When you respond on social media to consumers’ queries, they will definitely purchase from you. This way social media monitoring helps you with improving your brand image.

Social media monitoring is an effective way to learn about the latest industry trends. For example, nowadays, cryptocurrency is a very hot topic as Elon Musk and other business tycoons are mentioning this buzzword in their every tweet. You can analyze patterns and figure out the latest industry trends that are relevant to your business. Using these useful insights to create social media posts and blogs will improve your digital marketing and content marketing strategy.

To stay on top of what is trending, search authoritative publications and famous industry names. There are some social media monitoring tools that can help you track accounts, hashtags, and keywords. When you collect data about industry trends and news, you can create articles that will improve your website traffic and search engine marketing efforts.

Answer to your potential customers’ queries

Answering questions is a smart strategy to promote your products or services. It can also be used to build brand awareness and create a positive brand image. For instance, if you are a marketing agency and offer digital marketing services, find questions about social media marketing, PPC, and content marketing. You can answer these types of questions to create brand awareness and explain to users what makes your brand unique.

Social media monitoring lets you uncover conversations by searching through different forums and social sites. There are many popular forums such as Quora and Reddit where people ask questions and express their concerns. Marketers can discover niche forums to find their potential customers. Read the posts of users, their pain points, needs and actively participate on these forums to discuss the benefit of using your products or services.

Launch new campaigns

You can harness the power of data collected from social listening reports to launch new campaigns to generate interest and engagement. If you are running a drop shipping business, you can add new categories and more products to your online store that your audience wants to buy. Furthermore, you can launch personalized marketing campaigns that encourage your potential customers to engage with your brand and take the desired action.

Using UGC for your social media marketing campaigns is a great idea to attract potential users and drive user engagement. It is important to inform users before posting their images on your social media profiles to avoid copyright infringement.

Identify brand advocates

Social media monitoring tools have the ability to alert you when influencers mention your brand and highlight the most engaging posts about your brand. When monitoring, you will notice some users are highly active on social media and have the real potential to become your brand advocates.

Today, more and more businesses are collaborating with those engaged users to promote their products or services. The monitoring tools let you identify relevant influencers and the list of the posts mentioning your brand. Reach out to the relevant influencer and request them to endorse your products or services.

Determ is an amazing social media monitoring tool with a user-friendly dashboard that lets you find out the future brand advocates. You will find a dedicated section where you can easily sort numbers of mentions, source, reach, and sentiment. You can find the right influencers for your brand by searching their content and using them to your advantage.

Influencers list in Determ

Final Note

Many established and successful organizations are making the most out of social media monitoring to strategically improve user engagement with their existing and potential customers. It helps you create result-oriented marketing campaigns and outstanding customer care services.

By using this important data, your brand can create personalized marketing campaigns, build positive emotions, and create a strong brand image. It also helps marketers improve their customer service by answering or adding more products to fulfill your customers’ demands. In short, it gives you an opportunity to know your existing and potential customers in a natural way.

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