Importance of Media Monitoring for User-Generated Content

  • Author

    Klara Malnar

  • Published

    Jul, 15, 2020

  • Reading time

    4 min

We’ve previously written about why media monitoring is important for content creation. In this blog, we’ll cover how media monitoring can help you improve your user-generated content strategy.

There are so many strong arguments on why brands should implement UGC in their marketing strategy – building connections and trust with your customers, having unique and personalized content, boosting social media engagement, increasing sales, it’s cost-effective, and so on…

Read Media Monitoring: The Ultimate Guide

Also, research shows that UGC has a huge impact on the customers’ decision-making process. 

Netflix, Lush, Airbnb, Asos, to name a few, are some of the big brands that regularly use user-generated content.

UGC can be extremely useful for small businesses to boost their brand awareness and position themselves as desirable in the consumers’ minds. 

Hidden user-generated content gems 

People can post about your brand on social media and they won’t necessarily always tag you. If they don’t tag you, chances are you won’t see the post. 

To avoid this from happening, make sure you’re using media monitoring and tracking all the relevant keywords for your brand. 

Keywords should include your:

  • company’s name,
  • CEO’s name,
  • names of other prominent people related to your company,
  • slogans,
  • campaign hashtags, etc.

The better you optimize your queries, the more relevant results you’ll get.

In the feed, you’ll be able to scroll through all of the mentions of your brand and potentially discover the hidden UGC gems. Also, you can click on the Show images option to get a better overview.

If a post catches your eye, simply click on it and it will take you to the original post. 

Make sure to always ask for permission to publish your customers’ posts and when you publish the post, give them credit for it.

Create a user-generated content contest and a catchy hashtag for it

One of the best ways to motivate people to create UGC is to create a contest. Many brands do this and if done well, it can really boost your social media engagement.

In this case, Determ can help you with two things:

  1. Creating catchy hashtag
  2. Tracking the hashtag performance

Creating catchy and engaging hashtags can be very tricky. Luckily, through Determ’s Word Cloud you can detect the words mostly used in connection with your brand, play with them, and come up with successful contest hashtag.

During and after the contest, you can track the performance of your hashtag across the web and social media and create reports in a matter of seconds. 

Make sure you’ve set up your queries correctly in order to properly track the performance. And don’t forget to add # as well!

When setting up queries, it is wise to use Boolean operators for better results.

Boolean operators help you optimize media monitoring search so you can get more relevant user-generated content

Use customers’ reviews 

Studies show that before purchasing a product or service, 97% of people check online reviews and ratings first! That’s why you should encourage customers to leave reviews after they purchased your product or used your service. Studies also show that when you ask a customer to leave you a review, in most cases the review will be more authentic and positive.

Online reviews and ratings have a big impact on purchasing decisions and that’s why you should use them in promotional activities. 

If you’re getting a lot of negative reviews you should (besides reevaluating your product and/or service) check out our blog on how to manage negative reviews.

But, let’s get back to the positive ones. 

Since reviews are extremely impactful you should constantly check what customers are saying. Whether it’s your Facebook page, official website, or third-party websites. As I mentioned at the beginning, sometimes customers won’t tag you, and you might miss out on great feedback that you can otherwise use in your promotional activities.

Determ can make your review search easier with Automated Actions. With Automated Actions, you can categorize your online reviews in one place by creating tags.

For example, you can create tags for each third-party review website so you won’t have to manually search for them in the feed, the tool will do that for you.

As you can see from the GIF below, we’ve set up an Automated Action for the G2 website to collect reviews. 

With automated actions, you can categorize online reviews which are one of the most impactful user-generated content

You can set up actions only for new mentions or you can click on Apply to old mentions and existing mentions will be categorized as well. 

Read 5 Tools to Work with User-Generated Content

Most used channels among your target audience

With Determ you can discover what channels your target audience is using the most. This is helpful because you’ll know on which channels you should focus more or focus less. 

In the Advanced reports, you’ll find three charts that will give you information about mentions over time on a specific channel, sentiment from specific channels, and ratio of mentions on all channels. 

sentiment ratio by channel in determ
Sentiment ratio by channel in Determ

For example, if you created a contest for your customers, with the Sentiment ration by channel chart you can see how customers are reacting to your efforts. If the sentiment is predominately negative on a certain channel, you should find out why and change your strategy.

To sum up

Implementing user-generated content is a smart thing to do. Especially if you’re a small company that’s trying to build-up their brand awareness.

Use Determ to find out more about your (potential) consumers and their preferences, so you’ll know what type of content they prefer, which types of channels they use, and whether they mention your brand.

If you want to start media monitoring, book a call with on of our experts to get a free 7-day trial!

If you have any additional questions about the market research possibilities, contact our Customer Support team through the chat button in the tool!

We’ll be happy to help!

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