In the ever-growing online world, increasing your webpage’s traffic is one of the great tactics to promote your business and, in the long run, help it grow. One of the ways this increase of web traffic can be done is through search engine optimization, also known as SEO.

Read Media Monitoring: The Ultimate Guide

SEO is the process of increasing your website’s online visibility on certain web search engines like Google, Yahoo, etc. in order to increase its traffic. But, how can you use media monitoring tools to help increase your website traffic and your SEO strategy?

1. Track online mentions of your brand


Media monitoring is the perfect way to find out what the Internet has to say about your brand, a certain topic you want to find out more about or other information that might be useful to grow your business. Tracking online mentions of your brand through media monitoring tools allows you to see on which online platform is your brand being mentioned the most. Among other things, this can be extremely useful in your SEO strategy as this insight will point you in the right direction when it comes to online advertising. For instance, if you’re being mentioned more on Facebook than on Web, you can decide to continue the same practice by advertising and engaging more with your audience on Facebook or you can decide to focus more on the Web to stimulate more online buzz about your company there via advertising.

Find unlinked mentions of your brand

Media monitoring tools that use Boolean search (we’ve used pizza to explain how Boolean operators work in this cool infographic) can be used to find online mentions of your brand that don’t contain a direct link to your website. Let’s say some online news portal covered a story about your company but didn’t insert a link which would lead the readers to your company’s website and that way increase your traffic. You could use media monitoring tools to find that exact article and contact it’s author to include your website’s link in the article so people could visit your website.


Using media monitoring tools to track online mentions of your brand can be useful for your SEO strategy in another way also, and it relies on direct engagement with your audience. By tracking who mentioned you and on which platform, replying on those mentions to promote your business or website directly to the people can do wonders when it comes to increasing your organic website traffic. To make it clearer, here’s an example of how I did it for our social channels. 

I wanted to increase organic traffic from Twitter. In order to do that, I needed to know whenever someone tweets about media monitoring or social listening so I set it up in our tool Determ (imagine how ironic it would be to not include the link to our tool’s website while writing about improving SEO strategy.) 

The tool showed me a feed with all the tweets mentioning one of these terms.

Mentions of social listening or media monitoring

So, when I used Determ to track mentions of media monitoring I found a tweet from one of our competitors:

In this context, media monitoring tools help you to find mentions you can use to create your strategy, react directly on specific tweets and boost your marketing strategy.

Besides that, we’ve explained how to use media monitoring to track mentions that don’t include a direct link to your website. And, we’ve explained how you can use media monitoring tools to track where you’ve been mentioned to directly attach the link to your website in the conversation. That way, if someone’s looking for advice or wants to know something you covered in a blog, you can recommend them your product and attach the website link directly, if your business fits their needs. It’s very likely they will click on the link to find out more and that way increase your organic traffic and, in the end, the list of your product’s users.

Now, let’s see what’s the connection between media monitoring, SEO, and guest blogging.

2. Guest blogging

Guest blogging is a great way to connect with other authors that write about similar topics and learn something new from them. It is also useful for increasing your website traffic because it includes lots of exchanges of content among bloggers and various mutual reshares of content on social media platforms. Also, this kind of blog often includes a direct link to your website page or some of your blogs, etc. so you’ll benefit from reshares. 

So, as we’ve thoroughly explained in our blog 3 reasons why you should start guest blogging, guest blogging is great for attracting an audience to your blogs and improving your SEO:

“ With guest blogging, you’re borrowing the audience and the authority of the blog you’re writing for to promote your own blog and services. All content creators are having trouble with content distribution, but some of them already have a faithful audience who follows them regularly. ”

“ Use it to improve your rank on search engines by collecting backlinks… A bigger number of (quality) links undoubtedly has a positive effect on the site’s rank. Better rank brings more traffic to the site, and depending on your business goals, it can translate into new leads, sales, or other goals that are the reason you have the site in the first place. ”

Find influencers to promote your brand

We cannot talk about attracting an audience without mentioning influencers.  Influencers are people with big audiences on social media and in real life who can have an impact on people’s decision to buy a certain product. To find influencers who will promote your brand on the Internet and invite people to visit your websites, media monitoring tools are the right choice once again. 

Determ will give you a list of top 10 influencers categorised by Most frequent sources, Top influencers by average virality, Top influencers by average reach, and Top influencers by average interactions. 

For example, here is how the a top influencers list in Determ looks like:

Top influencers by reach in Determ

You can find more benefits of using media monitoring and social listening tools to find influencers in our blog.

3. Word cloud

Media monitoring and social listening tools are also a great help in creating content that you can then distribute all over the web and in that way also increase your website traffic. Word cloud gathers all the words that had the most mentions regarding your tracked query. For example, if you tracked social listening on Determ, the word cloud would look like this:

word cloud - social listening
Word cloud for the query social listening in Determ

Therefore, the word cloud gives you another great insight into terms people talk about the most. You can use that as inspiration for new content. For instance, from the word cloud above that we got when tracking the term social listening, you could try and write a blog on how to use social listening tools for marketing purposes, since marketing is one of the term people mostly mention online when talking about social listening.

To read more on how to create content with the help of media monitoring tools, visit this blog to find out. 


Media monitoring tools can and should be used if you want to grow your business and increase your SEO strategy. From attracting more people to your websites via social media to finding unlinked mentions of your brand, media monitoring tools will be your true business ally which will give you great insight into information you couldn’t find and analyze yourself and also an insight into things you should improve to increase traffic on your website and its visibility which makes them great for SEO purposes.

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