Media Monitoring for Telecommunication Companies

  • Author

    Klara Malnar

  • Published

    Mar, 17, 2019

  • Reading time

    5 min

Telecommunication companies are probably the ones that get the most heat from their customers. Nowadays everyone has at least one phone, computer, or some other device that relies on telecommunication services. And there’s no time to waste on a bad signal. The complaints range from a bad connection, prices that are too high, lousy equipment… The fact is that the telecommunications industry is one of the most competitive ones with similar promises among providers. You can’t allow yourself to lose customers because there’s a lot of other fish in the telecommunication sea. You need to constantly be aware of new trends, customer needs, and your competitors in order to be on top of the game.

Read Media Monitoring: The Ultimate Guide

One of the solutions that can help you do just that is media monitoring. In this article, we’ll list many benefits that media monitoring brings.

Keep an eye on the competitors and the industry

Like I already said, there’s a lot of fish in the sea and all of those fishes look practically the same. You need to be able to differentiate yourself and offer your (potential) customers the best service for as low of a price as possible. To be able to do that you need to be informed about what your competitors are up to. The best way to do that is to use media monitoring. Not only will you be informed in real-time about your competitors’ business moves, but you can also track your performance against them in the competitive analysis. That way you can make informed decisions and build strategies that are sustainable in the long term. Also, when your competitor releases some new feature or a plan, you can track the customer’s reaction to it and adjust your offer. By following emerging trends in the industries and implementing them into your service quickly, you can position yourself as the industry leader. You’ll be able to offer your customers something new. Something they will want to try which will result in their loyalty.

Keep the customers happy

These days people are rarely calling customer service, they go straight to the internet with their complaints. Or maybe they called it and no one picked up. This is what can get you in a lot of trouble. People want their issues to be fixed right away. Everything spreads quickly on social media, especially the bad stuff. One customer can express their issue with you, and another one may share the same. And then another one and another one… Boom, now you’re dealing with the whole bunch of people with the same issues with your service. You could’ve easily avoided that if you just, you’ve guessed it, LISTENED.

Start media monitoring

Media monitoring is your eyes and ears when it comes to what’s going on in the vast space that is the internet. And it’s quite easy to use it, as well. The most important thing is to set up the right queries for the tool to track. Queries should contain your company’s name, CEO, industry terms, competitors’ names, etc. If the customer complains about your service online, you’ll be able to see it in your feed and respond to the customer quickly and productively. That way you can build a strong relationship with your customer. Remember, a happy customer is a loyal customer. The great part of the media monitoring is that customers don’t even have to tag you in their post and you’ll still be able to see it. That way nothing can slip under the radar. At the same time, you can use sentiment analysis which will give you a great insight into your online presence and categorize mentions as positive, negative, or neutral. Also, you can analyze your customer’s wishes and suggestions and adjust your services to fit their needs. The same thing applies when it comes to your online communication with customers. You’ll be able to see what works or what doesn’t. Then you’ll be able to construct your messages so they resonate with the larger audience.

Sentiment analysis

There are three different types of sentiment analysis you can choose from depending on your goals.

If you want to keep an eye on the emerging trends and crises and be up-to-date with all the relevant information, the best solution is automatic sentiment analysis. It calculates the sentiment of each mention according to a number of positive, neutral, and negative words used in a mention. Since it’s an automated process, it can’t be 100% correct because the computer can’t detect sarcasm, for example. Because of this, it has the lowest level of accuracy between the three. What it gives you is a general overview of the sentiment trend for a specific query. You can find the automatic sentiment analysis in the Reports.

The second analysis is effective sentiment analysis. It is a combination of automatic and manual analysis and is best suited for your daily reports because of its mid-level accuracy.

To get an in-depth analysis of your online performance, try manual sentiment analysis. It allows you to assess each mention and labels it depending on how you perceive it. This is why this analysis has the highest level of accuracy. When you go to reports it will only show you the sentiment of mentions that you labeled.


In the reports, there are already preset reports that are ready for you to use (basic, advanced, and competitive analysis). But, you can also make your own customized report in which you can focus only on specific areas that are important to you. For example, if you’re in pursuit to find the right influencers to work with you can build a report that will lay out your top influencers, their sentiment toward your brand, channels that they use, etc. That includes media outlets that are willing to collaborate and promote your company to their audience. With media monitoring, you can also track which outlets are publishing your press releases, and which are not.

Our tool allows you to keep an archive of previous reports so you’ll be able to present long-term results to your board of directors.

Keep the crisis away

Companies face crises on social media all the time. Some handle them well, some don’t. The ones that don’t usually face high financial losses, brand reputation damages, and losing customers. These situations should be taken seriously. You should not sit and wait for the storm to pass because you’ll only make it worse. With media monitoring, you can detect a crisis early on, and squash it before it spreads any further. This not only allows you to minimize corporate risk but also saves you money. Every time the number of mentions starts growing unexpectedly, you’ll get an alert on your e-mail, mobile app, or Slack (depending on your preferences). That allows you to react fast and make a strategy on how to handle the potential crisis in the most productive way. Also, you can be smart and learn from the crises that your competitors or industry faces. That way you’ll be able to avoid making the same mistakes.

If you’d like to see the media monitoring tool Determ in action, book a demo and our experts will show you how to make the most of the platform.

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