Small Business Reputation 101: Tips and Tools for Success

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    Jun, 01, 2023

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Small businesses remain one of the strongest pillars of the economy worldwide. According to a report by the Small Business Administration, small businesses in the United States created almost 8.7 million jobs from March 2020 to March 2021. 

Reputation is crucial to the success of small businesses. A positive reputation increases customer loyalty, higher revenue, and overall success. Therefore, small businesses need to manage their reputation carefully. A negative reputation drives customers away, sinks revenue, and damages businesses.

Read Brand Reputation 101: Monitoring, Analysis, and Management Tools

Hence, it is essential to prioritize small business reputation management to succeed in the competitive market. This article investigates efficient tips and tools that small businesses should use to establish and maintain a positive reputation for their prosperity. 

Building and Maintaining a Positive Small Business Reputation

Small businesses need to have an excellent reputation to stay successful for a long time. This means people need to think positively about the company. A good reputation can help the business get new customers and keep the ones they have.

So, what can small businesses do to have a good reputation? 

1. Provide high-quality products and services: Any business that consistently provides high-quality products and services to its clients is constructing a sturdy basis for a positive reputation.

Anthony Martin, Founder and CEO of Choice Mutual, adds, “When clients are confident they’ll solely obtain top-notch services from your business, they’ll gladly return for additional purchases and even recommend you to their acquaintances and loved ones, further enhancing your business’s reputation.”

2. Use of online review management: Small businesses must keep track of what people say about them online. This means reading reviews and responding to them politely and professionally, whether good or bad.

Positive reviews can show what the business is doing well, and negative reviews can help the business improve. By responding to reviews, companies can show their customers that they care about their opinions.

3. Use of social media: Social media can be an excellent tool for small business reputation management efforts. Small businesses can use it to share news and updates with their customers. For example, they can post about promotions or events they’re having. This helps them connect with their customers and build a loyal following.

4. Use of social proof: Small businesses should conduct interviews or encourage satisfied customers to express opinions and use them as case studies. This is called “social proof,” which means that people are more likely to trust a business if they see that others have had a good experience.

Managing online reputation
Take control of your online reputation with effective reputation management strategies.

Dealing with Negative Feedback and Reputation Crises

Jerry Han, CMO at PrizeRebel, says, “Getting negative feedback can be tough for businesses that depend on positive reviews and customer recommendations. But it’s important to remember that every business will get negative feedback at some point, and how they deal with it is crucial.”

So, what should you do when you receive negative feedback? First, take a deep breath and relax. Feeling defensive is natural, but arguing with an unhappy customer won’t help.

Instead, approach the situation with empathy and understanding. Listen to their feedback and use it as an opportunity to learn and improve.

Then, respond to the negative feedback as soon as possible, and apologize sincerely for any inconvenience they may have experienced. Try to make things right by offering a refund, a replacement product, or a discount on a future purchase.

In addition to managing negative reviews, planning to deal with reputation crises, such as bad news articles or social media scandals, is part of a comprehensive small business reputation management strategy. Taking prompt and decisive action is crucial to prevent things from worsening.

The first step involves determining the root cause of the crisis and implementing measures to mitigate the consequences, such as releasing a public apology, contacting the affected customers, or hiring the services of a PR agency to manage the situation.

Although negative feedback and reputation crises can be complex, they do not signify the end of the world for your business. Adopting a mindset that perceives these situations as chances for growth and improvement will enable you to proficiently handle your company’s reputation and pave the way for continued prosperity.

Read 10 Steps to Manage Negative Online Reviews

Tools and Resources for Managing Your Small Business Reputation

Managing your small business’s reputation may seem complicated, but there are ways to make it easier. Some top reputation management tools and resources you can use include:

Google My Business: This free tool from Google lets you manage your business listing on Google Maps and search results. Verifying your business information, responding to reviews, and adding photos and updates about your business can help your visibility and protect your online reputation.

Yelp: This is a review platform where customers leave feedback about businesses. If you see good reviews about your business, pat yourself on the back! If you see negative feedback, use it to improve your offerings and address customer concerns.

Social Media: You can use social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to connect with customers and build your reputation online.

Carson Lang, Co-Founder and COO of Test Prep Insight, advises, “To get the best out of social media, you must create engaging content, respond to comments and messages, and actively engage with your followers. This will help establish your brand as a trusted and reliable resource in your industry.”

Reputation Management Software: Some solutions, like Determ’s reputation management software, can make managing your online reputation much more effortless.

These tools can help you save time and effort while staying on top of your small business reputation management efforts.

friendly business conversation
Reputation management is very important for a small business


Small businesses need to be careful about what people think of them. This is called “reputation management,” and it’s super important. When people like a small business, they keep coming back, which means it makes more money. But if people don’t like the company, they won’t return, and the company won’t make as much money.

Luckily, tools like Determ can help small business owners keep an eye on what people say about them online. If they see something they don’t like, they can change it to improve things.

By following the tips and using the tools in this article, small businesses can ensure an excellent online reputation. This will help them build a strong brand, which means more people will want to buy from them. So, if you’re a small business owner, take reputation management seriously!

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