We have some great news! From now on, you will be able to track Instagram mentions with Determ

To do that, you’ll need to connect your Business Instagram account with your Determ account. That will not let us post anything in your name, nor see any of your personal or confidential messages. It’s an action required to enhance your monitoring experience.

In the remainder of the blog, we’ll provide you with all the relevant information you need to know about this feature.

What data can I track on Instagram?

You will be able to monitor two types of data – other business profiles and 30 hashtags of your choosing. Both need to be manually set by you in the tool.

How do I track Instagram business profiles? 

If you want to track specific Instagram business profiles, you will be able to add them while you’re setting up or editing queries. 

Under the Sources section, click on Instagram and Specific profiles. Add the entire Instagram handle of a business profile you wish to track. You don’t have to use @ while typing the handle.

If you’re collaborating with an influencer who does not have a Business profile, make sure to ask them to switch their profile to Business so you can track it.

How do I track hashtags?

You can add hashtags you wish to track in the Integrations section. 

Keep in mind that when you add hashtags, you won’t be able to change them in the next seven days. Because of this, it is important to add only relevant hashtags in order not to cross the limit.

After you’ve successfully connected your Instagram to Determ, you will be able to enter 30 hashtags you want to track in your organization.

Which Instagram data can I monitor?

Instagram does not provide personal information from profiles, so most of your mentions authors will be anonymous_user

The same will be shown in your Reports, as well.

Also, metrics won’t update. That means that the number of likes and comments on the posts will remain the same from the moment the mention is collected.

Keep in mind that the tool will not be able to gather any post older than 24h.

What do I need to do to start tracking Instagram mentions?

First of all, you need to have an Instagram Business/Creator account that you can connect to your Determ account. If you don’t have that type of account, follow the instructions on this link to change your account type.

Also, your Instagram Business account should be connected to your Facebook page. If you don’t have a Facebook page, follow the instructions for creating one here. If you do have a Facebook page, you can connect it with your Instagram account by following these instructions

Integration to Determ

If you already did all of the steps mentioned above, you can go ahead and connect your Instagram account to your Determ account.

You can do that by clicking on Settings and then on Integrations.

At the bottom, you’ll see Instagram and the option to Connect with Facebook. When you click on Connect with Facebook, a Facebook pop-up will appear with further steps.

Et voilà!

Now you can track Instagram!

If you have any further questions or need additional information, feel free to contact us through the chat button in the tool.

Happy tracking!

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