Everyone experienced with social media will agree that there are two sides to being active on these platforms. One is creating content – for others to look at – and the other one is observing

You’ll want to observe everything that could directly or indirectly affect your company – either positively or negatively. 

Read Media Monitoring: The Ultimate Guide

Even though it’s important to keep in mind your reputation across all social media platforms, today our focus shifts towards monitoring and analyzing your brand’s Twitter mentions. 

In this blog, we’ll explain all you need to know about Twitter monitoring. From deciding what to track, to setting up specific categories, all the way up to digesting the data in a friendly format. 

But first, let’s see why companies should take Twitter monitoring seriously.

The power of Twitter – why the platform is so great

Twitter is one of the biggest social media platforms globally. With a predicted number of over 340 million users in 2024, it’s a powerful tool for brands to engage with their audiences, grow their brand image, and even drive conversion rates. 

Businesses operating specifically in countries like the United States, the United Kingdom, or Japan can utilize this social media platform even more, as they have the most Twitter users globally. 

While Twitter is great for companies since it’s essentially a large discussion forum where people just share their thoughts on everything, you should also learn how to use Twitter to benefit your company. As it turns out, that can be slightly more challenging than you may think. 

Luckily, there are reliable solutions out there that will make this task a piece of cake. Let’s see how you can approach Twitter monitoring with a media monitoring and social listening tool such as Determ.

Twitter’s own analytics don’t show you the whole picture

Twitter always notifies you when someone tags you in a tweet, comments under your post, or replies to someone who replied to your tweet. Of course, that feature is great, but it sadly doesn’t show you the whole picture of all the mentions you get. 

That’s because not all tweets mentioning your company also include account tags, thanks to which you’re notified. Thus, unless you’re searching for tweets on your own, you’ll never be aware of everything and everyone talking about your brand. 

Moreover, think about profiles with thousands, maybe hundreds of thousands of followers. When you’re tracking your mentions manually, it can be impossible to stay up to date with every single mention of the brand – even when you’re tagged in the tweets.  

This is where tools like Determ, an award-winning monitoring solution for all online brand mentions, come into picture.

Here’s how to become a pro at analyzing your brands’ mentions on Twitter with Determ

How to Perform Twitter Monitoring

#1 Decide what you want to analyze – mentions, tags, or specific keywords

It’s very likely that there are plenty of things you’d like to analyze about your brand. Your brand mentions (both about you and your competitors), tags, specific keywords, and hashtags – these are just some of the possible options. 

With Determ, you decide what exactly you want to analyze. For example, it could be that you’re interested in following the phrase “the best social media monitoring tool” to see what people use it with. Is it your brand? Or maybe your competitors’?  

Once you log into the tool, you can track various mentions and create queries in Determ for further analysis. For example, you can:

  • follow tags like #socialmediatrends, #socialmediamarketing,  #marketing #Facebook and #Twitter when you want to see what’s currently happening in the social media world
  • search for phrases including your competitors’ company names if you’re keen on getting a competitor analysis
  • looking at what people tend to talk about when it comes to your company, and whether the things they’re saying are negative or positive
  • be alerted in real-time whenever there’s an increase in online mentions of your brand

Read 5 Tips on How to Follow Hashtags on Twitter

#2 Create queries in Determ

You can use Determ to track everything from your brand to key people, campaigns, and products. The best thing to do is to categorize all queries into specific folders. By doing so, you can avoid queries getting mixed up and valuable information getting missed.

It’s also a good idea to create a “brand mentions” category (like the one in the picture below presenting a category for competitors) in which you can put all of your queries related to what you’re most interested in.

Screenshot from Determ

#3 Twitter mention tracking

Once all the setting up has been done and you’ve a good foundation – you’re ready for the most exciting part. The actual analysis of the content out there. 

Determ offers access to rich data on the things you’re trying to find out, for instance: 

  • total number of impressions per competitor, 
  • share of impressions, 
  • sentiment, 
  • top influencers, 
  • most mentioned keywords and topics 
sentiment ratio by channel in determ
Sentiment analysis, screenshot from Determ
word cloud in determ
Word cloud, screenshot from Determ

All you have to do is pick the categories you’re interested in and Determ will start producing reports based on that.

To additionally spare your time, we recommend two very useful solutions: Twitter mentions digests and Twitter alerts. 

#4 Set up Twitter mentions digests

After generating your reports, you can select to receive them daily, weekly, or monthly as digests. It’s also possible to customize the delivery method to meet your needs. 

As a result, you won’t have to constantly check your reports because they will be sent to your email. 

You can set up your preferences by clicking the Digest button in the upper right corner of the report.

Competitor analysis, screenshot from Determ

#5 Take advantage of Twitter Alerts

Our Alerts feature will be of much help in Twitter monitoring. 

By setting up alerts, it is easy to constantly monitor Twitter activity for a chosen keyword or specific brand mention. You can even send alerts to only the person in charge of your Twitter profile if different people handle different social media platforms.

Your alerts can be delivered through a number of options, including email, Slack, HTTP Post, and via a mobile app. They can also be silenced while you’re away or in a meeting.

Benefits of tracking your Twitter mentions

Tracking what’s being said about your brand online has various benefits. For instance:

Good PR

One of the benefits of tracking your Twitter mentions is that you can remain a positive brand image and PR. This is because you will know what people are saying about you and if they are mentioning your company at all. You can then take action and respond in a timely manner. It’s especially useful when a PR crisis begins.

Determ enables you to quickly end a starting PR crisis before it escalates.

Improved relationship with users

Whether people like your brand or not, they will still mention it on Twitter if they, for instance, want to comment on your new product they’ve been using. That’s another reason why it’s important to always be in the know about your online mentions. 

If someone says something nice, you should reply them to thank them. If someone is dissatisfied with your brand, you should reach out to them, too, and see how you can help solve that dissatisfaction.

New content ideas

Let’s show you another benefit of Twitter monitoring. Once you start monitoring people’s public tweets, you can actually come across various interesting content ideas. This could be particularly useful for your marketing team. 

The more your content resonates with your audience’s opinions and views, the more your brand will get closer to them and they’ll be able to identify with your brand. 

People may talk about your brand on Twitter in all different sorts of ways. Expressing opinions, indirectly giving feedback, comparing you with competitors, and more. Any tweet mentioning your brand could essentially become a new inspiration for your next blog article, a social media post, or a YouTube video.

Why not take advantage of it and make sure the content you publish is consistent with your audience’s demands? 

Product development and enhancement

Just like you can create content based on people’s views and suggestions, you can also make some great changes to your products or services. Who knows better what your products or services should be like than your customers?

While some of your brand’s mentions may not necessarily come from genuine buyers, a lot of the time you’ll be able to spot little gems that can give you a lot of insights into your customers’ experience. 

Based on that, you can work on your product enhancement and further development accordingly. Perhaps there’s something you missed? Or something you ignored but turns out to be quite important? 

Brand mentions are a repository of knowledge. As long as you know how to take advantage of it, you’ll be growing your business faster than ever. 

Let’s not forget about industry trends. In order to stand out from the crowd, you will need to stay on top of all the latest trends and news. 

If you keep an eye on your industry and competitors, you can spot and embrace emerging trends before your competitors do. This will not only give you a competitive advantage over others but will also show innovation to your current and future customers. 

Twitter monitoring – an essential part of building your brand

With the above simple steps in place, you can essentially set your Twitter monitoring mission up for success.

As we’ve explained in this blog, Twitter is a powerful social networking site. It’s used by millions of people all around the world to stay updated on current events, share their thoughts, and interact with friends. The site has become so popular that it is now one of the top 10 most visited sites on the Internet. 

It is also one of the best ways to interact with customers and potential clients, which is why it’s important to stay on top of your Twitter mentions at all times. Determ will be your perfect assistant in doing so. Don’t overlook this powerful solution – start tracking your mentions today!

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