Get exactly what you're searching for

Focus your search with precise keyword setup and filters. No more wading through irrelevant mentions.


Less work. Better results.

Extensive global coverage

No language or location barriers & an unparalleled character recognition system.

Advanced Boolean operators

Avoid irrelevant results with precise keyword setup.

Powerful search filters

Focus your search on what matters most to you.

Start monitoring mentions with ease. Book a consultation with our product experts and get a personalized product demo. No commitment.

Narrow results with extremely accurate keyword setup

Give your keywords more context or avoid unrelated mentions with intentionally placed Boolean operators. 

monitoring with boolean operators

Focus your search with powerful filtering options

What you see in your feed is entirely up to you. Localize your search by language or location. Choose sources you want to track or filter results by metrics like sentiment and influencer score.

monitoring with filters


Choose sources you want to track.

A setup experience praised by users

Simple, easy, intuitive - as proven by our clients.

monitoring ease of use and setup

Our clients love Determ's user-friendly interface

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“My best advice would be to spend some time in the setup phase and study Boolean search. Update your research and your searches on an ongoing basis. Investing time in the tool's initial setup and ongoing tool optimization will deliver the best results.”

“You can easily solve different situations in a few clicks as the interface is very user-friendly. I think it is a huge benefit. The tool is not complex, so you don't need an excessive onboarding process to know how to use it daily. And then there are those extra functionalities you discover along the way that make your life even easier.”

“What I’ve noticed is the constant quality improvement. Determ is changing so much, and it's changing for the better. I feel that trends are being followed and that new social networks are being included. I would say that Determ is sometimes a step ahead of what we need.”

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