Less work. Better results.
Extensive global coverage
No language or location barriers & an unparalleled character recognition system.
Advanced Boolean operators
Avoid irrelevant results with precise keyword setup.
Powerful search filters
Focus your search on what matters most to you.
Start monitoring mentions with ease. Book a consultation with our product experts and get a personalized product demo. No commitment.
Narrow results with extremely accurate keyword setup
Give your keywords more context or avoid unrelated mentions with intentionally placed Boolean operators.
![monitoring with boolean operators](https://www.mediatoolkit-web-2022-staging.bwp.zone/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/Monitoring-Booleans.png)
Focus your search with powerful filtering options
What you see in your feed is entirely up to you. Localize your search by language or location. Choose sources you want to track or filter results by metrics like sentiment and influencer score.
![monitoring with filters](https://www.mediatoolkit-web-2022-staging.bwp.zone/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/Monitoring-Filters.png)
Choose sources you want to track.
A setup experience praised by users
Simple, easy, intuitive - as proven by our clients.
![monitoring ease of use and setup](https://www.mediatoolkit-web-2022-staging.bwp.zone/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/Monitoring-setup-use.png)