Get notified when someone talks about you online

Save time on scouring the internet and get instant results from millions of online conversations in any language or location.

Your most complete set of brand insights

Keep track of online conversations and media coverage

Streamline all your brand mentions in one feed and receive scheduled, real-time updates directly in your inbox.

Measure and protect your public reputation

Understand how people perceive your brand and keep track of your online presence over time.

Successfully detect and contain crisis situations

Trigger notifications on sudden spikes in your mentions and stay ahead of negative coverage and discussions.

Stay informed about posts and media talking about your brand. Book a meeting with our expert and get a personalized demo.

Learn how people are talking about you across the web and social media

People don't always tag when discussing brands online. Stay on top of every comment and conversation surrounding your brand and products.

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Keep track of changing public sentiment and support

Analyze your popularity with the public and learn when your actions have a negative impact on your reputation.

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Still googling your brand?

Let Determ do your monitoring for you.

Improve brand awareness by engaging your audience online

Discover any inquiries or comments your customers make on social media, and build a strong relationship by addressing and resolving issues as they happen.

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Measure brand visibility and position yourself as an industry leader

Stay one step ahead of your competitors by benchmarking the most important metrics and monitoring your competitors’ online marketing strategies.

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Agencies Eco & Row use Determ to better advise their clients on crisis situations.

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World Media Wire monitors news for clients in different countries at the same time

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Zadar Tourist Board automates tracking their online mentions

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Promote and protect your brand.

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“If you want to improve your brand visibility, know where you or your client’s brand is mentioned - Determ is the way to go. We increased brand awareness by directly acting on our mention results, we connected with our clients and received a full brand picture thanks to Determ.”

“It’s important to us to ensure a close and constant watch of the brand reputation of our national and international clients. This is why we trust the supportive and always helpful Determ team. They navigate us step-by-step so we can then transfer that knowledge to our clients and help them monitor classical and social media.”

“We highly recommend Determ to other organizations, especially when it comes to crisis and emergency management. The tool is reliable and easy to use, plus the customer support is always excellent.” 

Data analysis & reporting

Gain insights into any topic and inform better strategies.

Competitor analysis

Benchmark how you compare with your competitors online.

Campaign tracking

Track the online coverage and sentiment of your campaigns.

Crisis management

Protect your brand from external risks and negative coverage.

Data analysis & reporting

Gain insights into any topic and inform better strategies.

Competitor analysis

Benchmark how you compare with your competitors online.

Campaign tracking

Track the online coverage and sentiment of your campaigns.

Crisis management

Protect your brand from external risks and negative coverage.


Focus your search with precise keyword setup and filters.

Data analytics

Build strategies around real-time, actionable insights.


Show the true value of your efforts with comprehensive reports.


Focus your search with precise keyword setup and filters.

Data analytics

Build strategies around real-time, actionable insights.


Show the true value of your efforts with comprehensive reports.

Save time on constant media scrolling.

Let Determ do it for you.

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